Table of Contents
Lee Kava
the va: between teeth and tongue / 5
the va: between pages / 6
Craig Santos Perez
Shawna Yang Ryan
Judges’ Statements / 11
Lynley Shimat Lys
Poetry Editor’s Intro / 12
Brooke Jones
Fiction Editor’s Intro / 13
Rodrigo Dela Peña, Jr.
Fishing / 14
Christopher Rose
Fastfood / 15
Emeka Chinagorom
Now That You Are Black In America / 16
Christopher Rose
Admonishment / 20
Last Rites / 21
If My Mother Had Named Me / 22
New Wave / 23
T. De Los Reyes
An Ending, A Beginning / 24
Kayumanggi / 25
Kim Darlene Brandon
My Blood / 26
Calliope / 28
Vincent Toro
On Battling (Baltimore Strut) / 29
Promesa (HR 4900) / 30
Elahe Fayazi
Sad women / 32
Müesser Yeniay
Between My Body and the World / 33
Hossein Rahmani
The Shepherd / 34
Marianne Chen
The Call to Recall / 35
Ken’ichi Sasō
古い森 / 36
水神 / 38
ヒトの境内 / 42
気配の祭り / 44
Noriko Hara & Joe DeLong (translation of Ken’ichi Sasō)
Old Forest / 37
Suijin / 40
The Shrine Precinct of Homo Sapiens / 43
The Festival of Indications / 45
失踪的船家 / 46
The Missing Ferryman / 47
‘Umi Perkins
The Breach / 48
Aaric Tan Xiang Yeow
‘Cher / 58
Error Script / 59
Julia B Levine
Ordinary Psalm with Hillside Stations of the Cross / 60
Ordinary Psalm with Peril / 62
John A. Nieves
What Passed as Refuge (Amissio) / 63
Shivaree (Puella) / 64
Entropy / 65
What Do You Think of When You Think of Home? / 66
Laura Rena Murray
Blue-Eyed / 67
Syrian Girl / 68
Leah Shlachter
To Make a Dish Hawaiian Just Add Pineapple / 69
Kou Sugita
All the ghosts in me feel small / 71
Ae Hee Lee
(Dear Bear, / 72
Mohammed Ali Mirzaei - Photography
Two Girls / 73
Sequences / 74
Mobility in Border / 75
Haj Qorban / 76
Rita Mendes-Flohr - Photography
Gorges: Entering the In-between / 77
Barbara Ruth
Hypomania / 81
Noah Jung
this happened, once / 82
no water, no light / 83
Ace Boggess
“Would You Like to Be on the Moon With Me, Darling, or Would You Be Afraid?” / 84
Kara Mae Brown
Dune Shack, Cape Cod, 1973 / 85
Elizabeth Kate Switaj
Neutral Buoyancy / 95
S. Brook Corfman
from Luxury, Blue Lace / 96
Rita Mendes-Flohr
Netherworld / 101
Eurydice in the Galilee / 102
Fishing Stones / 103
Eric Paul Shaffer
Cardinal in February: O‘ahu / 104
W. Todd Kaneko
When I Ask My Son to Speak / 105
All Of This Will Be Yours One Day / 106
Little Minidoka / 107
Rizwati Freeman
Sasha and Hermann / 108
Heather Nagami
Safe House / 114
Welcome / 115
Charles W. Brice
Forward Pass / 116
Penina Ava Taesali
thirteen lines from the beloved daughter / 117
Prayers from the Mouth of the River / 118
Joe Balaz
Charlene / 120
Lark Omura
Braddahs / 122
Scotty O Visits Oakland / 126
Tia North
Elegy for Kepo‘okelaokekai / 127
To Call “Pueo” / 128
Say I / 129
Mariel Alonzo
when scales fade to foam / 130
Verna Zafra
The Dragonfruit / 132
Cynthia Arrieu-King
Notes on Yucca Valley / 133
Kapena M. Landgraf
‘Ai Pōhaku / 139
Contributors’ Notes / 141